Apply Online


If you have already submiited the membership form please click here to view the status View Application Status

You can do online payment either by QR code instantly or by NEFT method to the below mentioned bank account details. After making payment save the screen shot of successful transaction. You will also need your latest passport photograph, degree certificate soft copies etc for completing the registration process.

Payment Details

Amount Rs. 3000/- (inclusive of GST)
Overseas Branch, Somajiguda, Hyderabad
Account no 62408690002
IFSC Code SBIN0020684


Note :
Full member: Who have completed MCh/DNB Urology degree.
Associate member: Post graduates / those who have still not completed MCh/DNB Urology degree
Affiliate members: Allied Specialities related to Urology

Kindly keep the relevant documents ready to upload In the highlighted boxes


Click here to generate

(*jpg Passport size profile photo should not exceed 600KB)
In case your photo size is more than 600KB, please search "How do I reduce the file size of a JPEG photo?" in google for help and follow the steps.
(* Upload JPEG or PDF file less than 2 MB size)
(Email IDs are Unique please do not use IDs which was used before)


Type the above number:

Check this box if Permanent address and Correspondence address are the same.

I am aware of the rules and regulations governing the SOGUS. I agree to abide by them, at all times, if approved as a member.

Once you click submit, the details will be checked by Hon. Secretary, who will reply to your email ID usually within 24 hours.