Society of Genito Urinary Surgeons

Message from President

Dr.K.Sitha Ramaiah

Dear Esteemed Members of the SOGUS AP &TS ,greetings from Kurnool.

The Society of Genito Urinary Surgeons of AP and TG organises itʼs 36th Annual Conference  on 9th and 10th November 2024 in Hotel Krishna Continental Hyderabad Road, Dichupally, Nizamabad. We will have high quality scientific sessions with semi live surgeries, as well as lectures by eminent national speakers . We have delegates strength about 450 in numbers. I urge you all to register for this scientific event .Your active participation is greatly needed to make this event a success.Dr A.Raghavendra Organising Secretary and his team are making elaborate arrangements for smooth conduct of the event. I would like to take this opportunity to request all members specially the youngster to become a member of SOGUS and contribute towards the success of our society.You can visit our website .in to get all information about our society.

This year the Dr. A.RanganadhaRao Midterm CME was conducted by Dr.Mahesh from Bhimavaram Hospital, Bhimavaram on BPH - An Update on June 23 ,2024. The CME was attended by 110 delegates both Consultants and 25 Postgraduates from all over AP and Telangana. It was a great success.Looking forward to seeing you all at Nizamabad.

Warm regards,


MS, Mch (Urology).

President, SOGUS AP&TS